
Linkedin Company Showcase Pages: A New Way to Engage B2B

From the perspective of a lean small business or startup in the B2B market, Linkedin is fast becoming impossible to ignore.  With Linkedin Contacts, their industry leading thought leadership platform Pulse, and now with Company Showcase Pages, the social media network has been securing it’s position as the dominant network for professionals.  A new report from Business Insider on Social Media Usage Demographics seems to not only support this but suggest Linkedin is rapidly outpacing it’s peers.   From a recent article highlighting the findings;

B2B Social Media Usage | Linkedin preferred by professionals (via businessinsider.com)

“Engagement is rising fast on LinkedIn, as the social network becomes a content destination. The social network  is also high-income and highly educated, and it has a big international presence. These factors will make LinkedIn increasing compelling to marketers. Already, a survey from Cogent Research finds that LinkedIn is the preferred social network by a wide margin for building a brand identity.” (Read more)


“LinkedIn is the preferred social network for building a brand identity”

If these are qualities you look for when qualifying a potential new business lead or targeting digital strategy, Linkedin is the place to be.  Now with their Company Showcase platform you have the opportunity to engage and activate your network in directed, meaningful ways.  Showcase Pages are created for focusing on specific segments with content and messaging to share – whether developing a brand identity for a particular product or service, raising awareness for a new initiative or engaging your existing clients, the platform builds the conversation following  a simple 3 step process to:

Drive engagement

Share targeted content

Develop meaningful professional relationships



Get Started Today

Step 1. Identify your Showcase; Which areas of your business would benefit from a Showcase?

Step 2. Create Showcase Page; Available on the “Edit” Menu of your Company Page

Step 3. Start Sharing Content; Build your following by sharing engaging content.


Need Help?

toaster_dtLet’s talk.  Discotoast Inc. offers affordable creative and professional services support for businesses, including strategy planning, execution, and creative support for online brand identity and digital marketing initiatives.  We specialize in custom projects – If you can dream it, Discotoast can design it.



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